
Sunday 29 March 2015

Who do I listen to Regarding Strength/Nutrition/Hypertrophy etc

In this article I may cause some opinions to clash but I am not here to please people I am here to help those who want access to the information for their questions.

I get asked a lot who's work do I follow and learn from. I have made a list of people whom I follow (they are in no particular order) but cover weightlifting, powerlifting, nutrition, hypertrophy, bodybuilding, general strength training and passion for fitness/health. 

I do read a lot of journals but I will do a separate article along with selected reading materials I use. 

I hope you find the first list useful below are other lists of people whom I think you should check for a laugh and those you should most definitely avoid. 

To make a point this isn't the be all and end all of people to listen to. These are the people whom I have been exposed to ,would be interested to hear everyone's learning background. 

Mine is currently Applied Sport Science degree looking to do a Masters in Strength and Conditioning at Teesside Uni. I coach the Powerlifting club at the uni, coach Coleraine Academical Institution rugby and rowing teams. My coaching idea is based upon backing experiences through scientific work. 


Chris Duffin is probably my favourite coach to follow on the internet. He has a coaching style which combines science with applied practice through trial and tested methods. He discuss alot on getting improvements without getting pain. Mad Scientist is a term which suits this freak of a man. 

I use a lot my coaching cues especially on the squat from him. He has just squatted 4x bodyweight in the last 6 months (cant remember the date). He is also writes for Elite FTS. 


Joe De Franco is a great personality on YouTube. Very good resource for sports teams and general health/fitness. He became known to me through his limber 11 video which I still use today. Very simple flexibility routine to keep me healthy and mobile. 

Stuart McGill, this man needs no introduction. Those who are serious about their training have heard about Mr McGill. I came across him through Brian Carroll (later on the list), as he was working with him on rehab/posture/pre-hab all around improving powerlifting performance. 

Stuart's most famous work is his book Ultimate Back Health, Fitness and Performance. Which I have referenced in many pieces of work at uni and on my blog. 

He discusses a lot on the anatomy and Biomechanical differences for squatting which is what interests me the most. 


Brad Schoenfeld 

The man you go to regarding anything on muscle hypertrophy. Period. One of my favourite papers he ever written on was the 3x10 V 10x3 routine on size adaptions (bodybuilding v powerlifting routine). 

Video: see below 

Brett Contreas 

Aka the glute man. Done so many emg studies I have lost track. Big focus is on glute development either for a physique/bodybuilding point of view or for sports performance. 

Brad and Brett are best buddies and do a lot of videos together


Dave Tate & Elite FTS

Dave Tate lives and breathes powerlifting. His passion for this sport has led to the creation of one of the most successful businesses within the fitness industry. Elite FTS eduction comes first here. 

I look up to Dave as a coach and a guide 
1/ to be as good a coach as him 
2/ learn form his mistakes and make sure my athletes don't get hurt too. Dave has been through hell and back and wants to pass on his experiences to others 

Best book: Under the Bar

Jim Wendler 

Author of 5/3/1 and has squatted 1000 pounds. One of the most honest and passionate people I have ever listened to regarding training and life. Very funny, crude and rude love him! 


Chad Smith & Juggernaught Training Systems 

The baby version of Elite FTS whom branch out towards weightlifting not just powerlifting. Chad Smith Powerlifter, strongman and thrower, covers a lot of strength training needs. 

Brandon Lilly 

Author of the Cube Method and a very good Powerlifter. I attend one of his seminars alongside Chad summer 2014 and was a very humbling/educational experience. He also writes for JTS 

Dan Green 

Owner of Boss barbell club and one of the strongest men alive. Just had a seminar in Belfast at Hench Gym this month. Dan coaches well in his short videos on YouTube. 

Johnny Candito

Aka Eyebrows and Das it Mane 

A Powerlifter who became famous through the use of YouTube. Very informative and helpful on all the lifts. Is a big voice for the IPF. 

Has free strength programmes for anyone to download!!

Mike Tuscher 

RPE and Autoregulation man. Owner of Reactive Strength Training systems. Quite like his view and style of training not using percentage based training. 

Also a very accomplished lifter for USA

Mike Isratel 

Judo Traps (guy is jacked) First heard of him on Facebook through a few threads. Quite like his coaching methods and scientific delivery.

Greg Nucklos 

Gives out free training manuals what's not to like!! 

Mark Bell & Supertraining 

The information these guys put out is amazing but needs the following after the video 18+ M for Mature and Not for the sensitive. 

Phil Learney 

One of my favourite people to listen to. I attend his hypertrophy seminar in September of 2014 in Belfast. Was fantastic better than my sports science notes at university on Muscle hypertrophy

Stan Efferding 

Powerlifter and bodybuilder trains many athletes and teams. 

Ben Coomber 

Nutritional expert and has a fantastic YouTube channel and podcast. 

John Meadows 

Author of the Mountain Dog Diet and works out of Elite FTS. Worth reading his work on the site.

Alan Aragon 

Works with Brad and Brett a lot on nutritional topics and loves to call out on bullshit on the industry!!

Brian Carroll 

Works with Stuart McGill has some very interesting topics. Author of 10/20 life. 

Louie Simmonds & Westside Barbell 

Louie is the godfather of powerlifting and uses a lot of his training methods based on the soviet sports science. 

Love it 

Barbell Shrugged 

Based on strength and conditioning podcasts for all sports really good!! Some interesting debates. 


YouTube sensation and world class athlete. Has been doing coaching sessions around the world!! Some good coaches cues when translated.

Nick Mitchell

Works with a lot of athletes and body transformations. Talks the talk and walks the walks. 

Julia Lawdeski 

Female strength coach and physique competitor/bodybuilder for elite fts. Puts out a lot of good info for male and female athletes

I think you can agree the above list covers a range of fitness topics and are all well respected in their fields. I share passion amongest the above to help others and I hope these individuals can influence your career's/education 

Now for the laughs 

These two figures help me deal with all the garbage that exists in the fitness industry 

Bro science 
Is a channel which is dedicated to taking the piss out of the fitness and being "all bro" about everything. Dom (the guy in the photo) is quite the comedian and makes a lot of witty points and crude humour. 

Well worth watching 

YouTube link: 

Exercises in Futility 

Ran my Elgin, a lawyer with a cut throat style of humour. Will bring anyone down to their knees using sarcasm backed up with journal references and scientific facts. Had his YouTube channel shut down twice as he was destroying crossfit and strength camp  

Daily Motion: 

The Idiots.....

These next channels are those whom I believe provide more of a humorous contribution to industry as they are laughing stocks with some of the claims they come out with (again in no particular order) 

Mike Chang

Six pack short cut the guy who dosent have abs but uses other peoples bodies to market ab routines. Every video is shirtless.... 

Vanity at the highest and the ego runs high with this one. Most subscribed on YouTube as he markets and targets his audience well. Like a virus keeps coming back on my newsfeed. I want to rid him from the world. gets roasted here 

Greg Glassman and Dave Castro two names very familiar with crossfit whom don't represent crossfit as they are idiots amongest their own sport hahaha

Greg preaches Paelo but looks like a Middle Ages diabetes riddled fatso. Talk the talk walk the walk. 

Dave Castro can't lift to save his life and he is one if the main faces of crossfit which is funny as he is a mong. I have many friends who do crossfit and they can't stand these guys. 

Dave trying to do deads 

Free-lee the Banana Girl 

This Australian bimbo believes that by making ridiculous claims that she will get large amounts of views in the hope some will buy into in insanity. Raw Food diet....Eating just bananas. 

She Gets roasted here haha 

Durian Rider 

Dude needs to eat, when I see him I want want to throw him a sandwich. He looks like he should belong in a third world refugee camp. 

He is likes to drown people with the reasons to why vegans are right and everyone is wrong. Firstly if you are. A vegan that's cool with me second I don't care if you are but if you try and sell the style of veganism he does then you have lost your mind. 

Kali Muscle 

Hahahahah sorry just laughed thinking of this twat. Tuna and Raman makes him look like what he does. All Natural 

If he is natural I can coach someone to win the Olympic gold in ping pong whilst being blindfold. 

Mike O'Hearn 

To clarify he is strong, jacked and tanned. 
But not natural and keeps saying he is. I can't abide a bullshitter. 

End of 

Jeff Seid 

God listening to this idiot will make you stupid. Jeff says there are too many carbs in egg yolk...... Another bullshitter too. 

So I have Elgin talk over Jeff speaking ripping him to shreads hahah 


A Prick 

End of 

CT Fletcher 

CAPS LOCK guy. Any Facebook post he writes in caps. Yells at everyone whom he meets. I bet his family are all deaf. Famous for his oversized biceps and constantly shouting. 


Very motivating lol 

Just looks like an idiot 

Elliot Hulse (the now Elliot) 

We have all watched a few Elliot videos. Don't lie we all have. This was a well respected guy whom trained hard tried his best and gave back to help those who asked questions. 

But he lost his marbles literally 

One of the signs included a statement which he said "breathe into your balls".....

Last time I checked in anatomy there is no alveoli in the ball sack. 

I hope you have found the above list helpful any others you feel that should be on please comment below. 

Andrew Richardson, Founder of Strength is Never a Weakness Blog

I have a BSc (Hons) in Applied Sport Science and a Merit in my MSc in Sport and Exercise Science and I passed my PGCE at Teesside University. 
Now I will be commencing my PhD into "Investigating Sedentary Lifestyles of the Tees Valley" this October 2019. 

I am employed by Teesside University Sport and WellBeing Department as a PT/Fitness Instructor.  

My long term goal is to become a Sport Science and/or Sport and Exercise Lecturer. I am also keen to contribute to academia via continued research in a quest for new knowledge.

My most recent publications: 

My passion is for Sport Science which has led to additional interests incorporating Sports Psychology, Body Dysmorphia, AAS, Doping and Strength and Conditioning. 
Within these respective fields, I have a passion for Strength Training, Fitness Testing, Periodisation and Tapering. 
I write for numerous websites across the UK and Ireland including my own blog Strength is Never a Weakness. 

I had my own business for providing training plans for teams and athletes. 
I was one of the Irish National Coaches for Powerlifting, and have attained two 3rd places at the first World University Championships, 
in Belarus in July 2016.Feel free to email me or call me as I am always looking for the next challenge. 

Contact details below; 

Facebook: Andrew Richardson (search for)

Facebook Page: @StrengthisNeveraWeakness

Twitter: @arichie17 

Instagram: @arichiepowerlifting

Snapchat: @andypowerlifter 



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